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The charity networker


Mister Fleschenberg, you have been the head of the Eagles Charity Club for20 years now. How did you come up with this idea?


Frank Fleschenberg: I have been organizing golf tournaments before I evenplayed golf. I simply happen to know a lot of celebrities. One day NorbertSchramm asked me whether we should stage a trophy. I sat down thatweekend to think about who could profit from such an event and it occurredto me that I could make something charitable out of it. I immediately calledRosi Mittermaier and Christian Neureuter, Carlo Tränhardt and Jürgen Hingsenand they spontaneously accepted my invitation.


You had no difficulties finding sponsors?


Fleschenberg: No. To stick to the point. On Monday, I faxed people I did notpersonally know, Rudi Carrell for example. He faxed me back within 5 minutessaying that he was in.


You have, so far, collected well above 14 million Euros in donations. Where dothese donations go?


Fleschenberg: The money goes only to foundations and associations that wetrust. There are also some specific instances. The Brittle-bone Society wantedto publish a book about this disease and received 130 denials. We financed it. Other than that, we primarily support diseased children like the ChildRheumatism charity or the TABALUGA children association. The donationsalways go 1:1 to needy people. Donation check handoffs take place directlyon the day of the tournament. We stay in close contact with the charities andassociations we support.


What is your motivation?


Fleschenberg: There is actually nothing to explain. My zodiac sign is cancerand they all have a helping syndrome. Furthermore, I cannot say no. Realizingthat my engagement can make a change is what motivates me. Ordinarypeople, I believe, cannot do that. Only people that are a bit crazy can do that.In Rheinland, my home place, such people are called positively crazy. I am oneof them.


You are known as a talented communicator, your phonebook is filled. You,undoubtedly have several mobile phones?


Fleschenberg: Try and guess.




Fleschenberg (laughs): Correct. But I use the smart-phone only for e-mails;the second is used as a reserve in case the battery on the first on dies. Thishowever happens at least once a day. But I cannot explain where that with thecommunicator comes from. I have simply recognized the importance of thenetwork early on.



(Link to the magazine)

The hobby-golfer has been organizing celebrity golftournaments for 20 years to help the needy

Frank Fleschenberg


Frank Fleschenberg studied businessmanagement during his footballtime before choosing professionalfootball. He was an active player from1966 to 1975. After a few years hereplaced the pitch with the pitch side,a footballer turned into a footballmanager. As a manager of the 1. FCNürnberg (1978 to 1982) and the1. FC Saarbrücken(1982 to 1986) hesoon celebrated his first successes, hebrought the teams into the Bundesleague. He continued his career asa marketing manager of one of thebiggest housing- and fund manager.Frank Fleschenberg works today asa CSO of the German Association forLand Property AG.

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