The Legend lives on

That is what the 34 year old himself has sold. Even Americanparents, who usually do not consider athletes, actors andsingers to be appropriate role models, are convinced by thetrademark Woods. An athlete who trains hard, who does nottake doping substances, who is a good husband and a goodfather, who has a foundation that helps young people. Almosttoo good to be true. Tiger Woods, the enterprise.
Woods above everyone else. No one has morechampionship titles and no one has ever won a Masterstournament with fewer hits. In spite of everything, itshould not be taken for granted that he spends thewhole day playing golf with the US president BarackObama. The President, whose advisers make a genuinestate secret out of the fact that he happens to be areally bad golfer, has hired a professional golf trainer topractice with him. This weekend as well shows Tigersimage moving in a positive direction. Obama, in theend, has problem cases of his own. The President, theAmerican nation, the fans worldwide forgave him bynow. The golf colleagues have done it long ago – theyall forgave him his dark sides that he has been able, upuntil 2009, to conceal from the public.

Tiger Woods is not only a first-class golfer,
but also an ambitious tumbler.
That man has always been a phenomenon – and has remainedone till today. He was once described by his colleagues as a golferfrom another star. His accomplishments with the little white ball areunmatched: with an estimated annual income of 60 Mil. US$ Tiger Woodsranks as the third best paid athlete in the world. He was the leader on thisranking-list from 2001 to 2011. He was the first sportsman ever to earn abillion dollars. Tiger Woods won his 77th Tour Victory in Orlando, USA inMay this year. At the same time, he regained the leading position on theworld ranking list after a pause that lasted for 125 weeks. 14 majors anda total of 77 PGA victories: Tiger Woods has reached another milestone inhis career. He is only five victories short of the record set by the late SamSnead in May 2002. Typically for Tiger Woods, he presented a challengeto his fellow-golfers right after his victory. He stated that he was extremelyexcited and eager to see what the year 2013 will bring for him: “my goalremains the same. I want to win every tournament that I participate in. Thatis something that will never change, that is my mind-set. I want to win eightor nine times a year. That would not be a bad thing at all”
Tiger Woods, the Golfer.
Psychologist Cooper Lawrence recently said that one alwayshas to have in mind that he is not a person. He is an industrialproduct: Clean. Disciplined. Exemplary. That is how it is sold.