What was then going on among your teammates?
My putt dropped – I felt a great relief. What was left were great joy and a bigcollective party!
In 2015, as you once said, you want to win the Open in St. Andrews.What are your goals for next year?
That is right, if I could choose a Major title, I would choose a victoryat St. Andrews in 2015. When it comes to next season I cannot say much.My mind is concentrated on present tasks. There are still many tournamentswhere I have a chance. Naturally, I would like to defend my title at the NedbankChallenge that takes place in South Africa at the end of the year.
How important is a good caddie for you?
He is really, really important. The caddie should, of course, be an expert in hisfield, but the personal relationship should also be adequate – that is, at least,equally important to me. This is the case with me and Craig. We blend equallywell both on and off the course.
One does not hear much about your private life. People know very littleabout Martin Kaymer as a person. Why is that so?

If I could choose a single Major title,
I would choose a victory at
St. Andrews in 2015
Mr. Kaymer, what are your thoughts on the 2013 golf season?
For me, this year is not over yet; I have several more chances!The Majors are, of course, the most important for all of us, but there are alsoother great tournaments. Right now, after the Fed Ex Cup, the next destinationis Europe with rather important tournaments lasting untill the end of November.This is a really exciting period a good time to collect World Ranking points andgather self-confidence. At the moment, I have a strong desire to perform. Iwould be happy to look back at this year in December or January.
You have undoubtedly talked about this a thousand times. But could youplease, once more, describe your victory putt at the Ryder Cup in Medinah.
The circumstances in Medinah were unbelievable. It was an absolutelyexceptional situation and I had never experienced such pressure before. ButI took a glance at the line and told myself: “This is a putt you have made athousand times before.” Uphill, a bit right to left and it is in. I never thoughtabout hesitating. Only after I saw the DVD did I really realize how loud it wasbefore my last putt on the 18th green. This was something I did not notice atall at that moment. The putt means a lot for my future. No other putt will beas important as this one and, above all, if I should encounter a similar situationagain, I know that I have already stood up to such pressure in the past.