Anise marinated salmon with flyingfish caviar, cucumber jelly, Afila-cress and pickled ginger
For 4 persons:
Crush star anise, cumin, thyme, fennel, black pepper and bay leaf coarsely in a flash cutter. Mix with brown sugar and Fleur de Sel. Season the salmon with the spice mixture and put it on a plate. Cover it with foil and pickle it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Finally,rinse it with cold water and dry on paper towels.
Mix diced salmon with fish stuffing, finely chopped coriander and soy sauce. Season with salt and ground pepper. Form 4 smallballs, roll them in breadcumbs and fry 2 minutes at 160 ° C in hot cooking oil before serving.
Mix all ingredients and season them with cayenne pepper
Cucumber jelly:
Wash the cucumber and mix in a juicer. Collect the outflowing cucumber water. Heat the cucumber water with chili and coriander.Let it stand for 30 minutes and pour it through a sieve. Dissolve the soaked gelatin in rice vinegar and mix it with the pickle stock.Season it with fleur de sel and pepper and cool it in the refrigerator. Cut the cucumber jelly into fine dices.
Avokado dip:
Puree all ingredients in a flash cutter into a homogeneous mass. Push it through a fine sieve and season with salt,pepper (cayenne pepper) and tabasco.
400 g salmon fillet
35 g star anise
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried fennel seed
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 bay leaf30 grams of brown sugar
35 g Fleur de Sel
2 tablespoons soy oil
40 g finely chopped salmon cubes (pickled from anise)
1 tablespoon salmon farce
2 coriander leaf
1 teaspoon soy saucesaltground pepper
40 g Asian breadcrumbs
200 ml sunflower oil
75 ml rice vinegar
1 piece lemon grass
15 g coriander, finely chopped
15 g chives, finely chopped
4 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 teaspoon soy sauce
cayenne pepperr
Cucumber jelly:
1 garden cucumber
5 ml candied sushi ginger syrup
10 sheets coriander
10 grams rice vinegar
1 teaspoon green chillies
5 sheets gelatin
Avocado dip:
1 ripe peeled avocado
¼ peeled thai mango
4 tablespoons chili sauce Swat
½ bunch coriander
½ ginger tuber (crystallized)
1 teaspoon butter
½ clove garlic, peeled
1 teaspoon fine cooked parsley
A couple tabasco drops

Lacquered duck breast withlemon thyme, sichuan pepperand pine honey
For 4 persons:
Duck breast:
Remove the bones from the duck breast, set it aside.Salt the duck breast and pepper it. Heat 25 g of clarified butter in a pan. Put the duck breast in the pan on the skin side and let itfry for six to eight minutes until it’s crisp. Turn it on the other side and fry for another 2 minutes. Take the duck breast out of the panand leave it to rest for ten minutes.
Duck stock:
Chop the duck bones and legs, give it in a roasting pan with oil and bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees Celsius until it turnsbrown. Add diced carrots, shallots and celery and fry for 10 minutes. Pour sherry, madeira and white wine over it. Stir in the tomatopaste. Add spices and garlic and boil for ten minutes. Pour the chicken stock over it. Cook the liquid for three hours over low heat.Skim the foam and fat repeatedly. Strain the stock through a sieve.
Mix the pine honey, ginger syrup, soy sauce, coriander and Szechuan pepper. Bring to a medium boil. Add the ginger into the syrup.Let it cool. Stir in the lemon thyme.
Slowly cook broccoli florets in sesame and peanut oil. Add chili cubes and cashew nuts just before serving. Season it with fleur desel and pepper. Finally, glaze with oyster sauce
Heat the duck under a grill in a preheated oven, until it becomes crisp. Glaze it with the prepared lacquer. Cut it in twelve slices. Putthree slices on each of the four preheated plates. Surround them with glazed vegetables. Garnish with raw leek strips and garlicchips. Add more gravy if desired.
Duck breast:
2 Barberie ducks
Salt and pepper
50 g clarified butterFlour
Duck stock:
Duck bones and legs
100 g Carrot
50 ml sunflower oil
100 g shallots
50 ml Madeira
100 g of celery
50 ml dry sherry
250 ml white wine
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 bay leaf2 sprigs of thyme
2 sprigs of rosemary
10 peppercorns
3 cloves of garlic
2 liters chicken stock
2 tablespoons pine honey
2 tablespoons ginger syrup (from the jar)
2 tablespoons soy sauce5 g each bumped coriander and Szechuan peppercorns
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
4 teaspoon lemon thyme leaves
400 g cleaned broccoli with stem
100 ml sesame and peanut oil
4 tsp finely diced red chilli
50 g cashew nuts
Fleur de Sel
Black pepper from the mill
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
Chips from 4 young garlic cloves (deep-fried in 500 ml of soybean oil)
2 tablespoons strip of the white part of a raw leek